Deathless, slow moving, yet relentless, the walking dead are among us in the form of scary, disintegrating tech bits that refuse to die. Here are 10 that need the double-tap.
Image: iStock/johnnorth
zombie horde has nearly reached critical mass. Other than not nomming
my gray matter, the only thing I would ask is that they take certain
technologies back to the grave with them. There are some tech products
and services out there that simply refuse to die! Why? Because some
users and companies are frightened to give them up!
I'm here to say it's time to let those pieces of technology amble off
into the sunset with the walking dead. Which technologies? I have ten of they are.
1. Windows XP
The death of Windows XP will
mean a lot of companies are going to have to make a major choice: which
platform to migrate to? In all honesty, it's time for XP to go away.
It's been around for as many years as the "Friday the 13th" franchise
has entries. And like Jason Vorhees, Windows XP has had its time and
should be buried. The biggest problem with the death of XP is the
massive amount of hardware that will go with it. That hardware could be
re-purposed (with Linux) or recycled. It should not simply be chucked
into the dumpster to find its way to landfills. That is a ghost story
that will come back to haunt us.
2. AOL
I cannot tell you
how many times I've had to troubleshoot a problem on a client machine,
only to find out they still use AOL. Can you imagine my horror when I
see this? Why? Why? Why?!!! AOL should have died a tragic death long
ago. And what's worse, some of these clients are using AOL for their
business communication. For the love of Clive Barker, Gmail is free and
considered far more respectable than AOL. Leave behind the Grand Guignol trappings of AOL and live!
3. Blackberry
This one is a tough one.
Anyone that travels frequently will tell you how desperately they cling
to their Blackberry. It's cheaper to travel with. But the truth of the
matter is, the technology is as dated as Full Moon Videos. Supporting
Blackberry can be a nightmare and most administrators would rather users
make the move to Android or IOS.
4. Dot matrix printers
still exist. I'm fairly certain Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly used dot
matrix printers to print the first edition of Frankenstein. Why
are they still around? Is it because some grave-robbing company still
has tons of paper for the devices and doesn't want to part with that
profit? Those printers should have died years ago. Let them go...please.
5. Fax machines
These are the stuff that drove the
machines of torture during the Marquis de Sade era. They smack of
mimeographs and modems. Technology has come so far – to the point where
we can actually sign documents and send them with more reliability and
security than the fax allows. Although there are plenty out there who
would argue that the fax is too far ingrained into the world of business
to go away, the ability to sign and send PDFs have clearly made the fax
a ghost in the machine.
6. Internet Explorer-only web sites
are there still those out there coding websites to only work with
Internet Explorer? Those sights are zombies in the world of business –
slow moving, refusing to give up their narrow-minded scope, and causing
no end of frustration and horror to those that have to interact with
them. Companies need to come to grips with the fact that IE is not the
juggernaut it once was. Developers need to create sites for every
browser – including mobile browsers.
7. Internet Explorer
Microsoft browser is riding on the coattails of it's former glory. Now?
It's unsafe, unreliable, and as buggy as a rotting corpse. With so many
other, superior, browsers available, everyone on the planet needs to
stand up to the face of death that is IE and hold up the Chrome cross
and the silver bullet of Firefox and back that sub-par browser back to
the crypt.
8. Pagers
Hello? The original version of "The
Evil Dead" called and wants its technology back. Pagers were cool in the
80s. Pagers were necessary in the 90s. Now? Pagers are simply a
holdover for industries that simply don't want to acknowledge the
ever-evolving scope of technology. Yes, it would mean setting aside an
investment made decades ago, but it's time to make use of smart phones
and give up the pagers (aka “beepers”).
9. VHS
There's a
“found footage” horror film called V/H/S. If you can get beyond the
found footage format (and the brutality of the film), it's not that bad.
There was also a little title called "The Ring" which foretold of your
death within seven days of watching a video on VHS. That premise
wouldn't be possible today because they only people with VHS are
convenience stores and businesses holding on to old-school surveillance
tech. VHS is dead and buried. Let it go.
10. DSL
speeds continue to shoot through the least with some forms of
technology. DSL? Not so much. If we were back in the 90s, the speeds
and reliability of DSL would be unimaginable. Now? Comparing the speeds
of DSL and cable is like comparing the walking speed of zombies from
"Night of the Living Dead" and "28 Days Later." There is no comparison!
Period. On top of slow speeds, the technology used to deliver DSL is as
ancient and creepy as Vincent Price in "The Abominable Doctor Phibes."
are so many tech products that should be in the grave; but for whatever
reason, people hold on to their tech like their lives depended upon it.
I say it's time to let the beast free and embrace the light of
evolution and superior technology. Anyone refusing to upgrade is nothing
more than meat for the walking dead.
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